Zuko Komisa Image | Adobe Stock Let's face it, we have all gone through some turbulent romantic relationships, and some of them have completely changed the way we see relationships. Even if they were painful, there are parts of the experience that helped you grow. These messy relationships help you grasp what really mattered to you in a partnership by teaching you to think carefully about your boundaries, values, and […]
Zuko Komisa Glade is honouring the exceptional women in our lives with a special series called “In My Era” on Girl Let’s Talk every Wednesday. This week Andy Maqondwana and guest host Hulisani Ravele interviewed Mpho Mkhwanazi who shared her incredible journey. Mpho was nominated by her husband Sbu, who truly adores her for being an incredible gift to him. "She is in her enhancing era, where she is studying towards a […]
Zuko Komisa Glade is honoring the exceptional women in our lives with a special series called “In My Era” on Girl Let’s Talk every Wednesday. This week Andy Maqondwana and guest host Hulisani Ravele interviewed Ngemini Gontsana who shared her incredible journey. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Hulisani Ravele (@hulisaniravele) Her friend Ziphelele describes Ngemini as a remarkable woman with a big heart to many around her. She […]
Zuko Komisa Image | Adobe Stock Fortunately, experience gained the "hard way" makes an excellent teacher. Learning the hard way frequently entails hardship, error, and disappointment. Even while these emotions are undoubtedly difficult, if we can endure them long enough to learn the lesson, we frequently emerge from them feeling not just wiser but also more self-assured, robust, and confident. Andy asked: "Somethings in life you are literary meant to […]
Katlego Sekhu Photo by Aline Viana Prado: https://www.pexels.com/photo/shallow-focus-photo-of-woman-holding-black-am-fm-radio-3491709/ There's something special about having a group of people who have been through the same experiences as you and truly understand what you're going through. It's like having a built-in support system that can offer advice and guidance when you need it most. On Feel Good with Andy Maqondwana, female listeners were asked if they have a group of women who always […]
Katlego Sekhu Photo by Andrea Piacquadio: https://www.pexels.com/photo/ethnic-young-woman-using-laptop-while-having-tasty-beverage-in-modern-street-cafe-3768894/ Have you seen that viral TikTok video where the user asks their followers to share something their job has taught them that they'll never forget? Well, Feel Good with Andy Maqondwana decided to ask the same question to its listeners. "Think of the places that you've worked at. The things and the jobs that you've done, and then think about the things it […]
Zuko Komisa Andy Maqondwana, host of Kaya 959's Feel Good opens up about her wellness journey. Andy talks about her experience with SWEAT 1000, which stands for Specialised Weight Endurance Athletic Training. The "1000" represents the calories burned in a groundbreaking 1-hour workout. She explains that her decision to join SWEAT 1000 was inspired by her realisation that traditional gyms can be an uncomfortable place for plus-size individuals. When did […]
Zuko Komisa Portrait of a beautiful bald young African American woman in close-up with clean fresh skin. You have probably heard the famous saying, “A woman who cuts her hair is about to change her life.” This phrase was sagely said by Coco Chanel, who understood the significance of a complete haircut. This has been a common trait with women who are about to go through a breakup, a fresh start, […]